Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers in females and in non smoking females is probably the commonest variety of cancers.
It is now the second commonest cancer in females in India.
Although common it is usually detected at a late stage because of the lack of screening procedure in India.
Breast cancers can be diagnosed early and treated effectively and cured. For such a scenario to happen it is mandatory that the screening protocols are strictly adhered to and the general population should be made aware of the benefits and costs of various screening tools which are available at present. And also it is important that the general female population should participate in screening programme with enthusiasm and self interest.
Breast Cancer prevention, facts & treatment
“Women are a perfect blend of care, courage, concern, sympathy and love…it is these fine qualities in a woman that make this place a better place to live for all of us”
Women play a critical role and taken upon themselves the responsibility of the well being of their home, their workplaces and the society. It is therefore our responsibility to take care of their well being.
Breast diseases are today a leading cause of death in women. Breast cancer especially when diagnosed on time, is completely treatable and with today’s technology not a single woman should die of breast cancer. Breast cancer is not just curable without any sequelae. we are running an exclusive breast cancer clinic at our associated hospitals in the name of “BREAST CLINIC” .
The objective of Breast Clinic is to provide an integrated service staffed by a dedicated multi-disciplinary team specializing in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of all benign and malignant breast diseases.
It offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment options for patients who experience breast changes or problems. A multi disciplinary group of care providers work together to meet the needs of each patient. Services include evaluation of breast abnormalities, breast cancer prevention, screening, diagnostic testing, patient education and comprehensive treatment options.
The expertise of our Specialist Breast Care Team enables us to provide care to breast patients at all stages – from screening through surgery, to radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Management of breast problems includes:
Progressive options in screening and diagnostic services, including mammography, ultrasound and more.
Comprehensive care provided by a team of professionals from various speciality areas.
Innovative treatment strategies and supportive care to make treatment as effective and comfortable as possible.
Prevention and counselling for high risk patients.
Consultation and second opinions.
Up-to-date educational programs for health care professionals, patients and families.
Breast imaging procedures
Mammography: A low dose of x-ray examination of the breast using specialised equipment. It is provided for those women complaining of symptoms or for screening purposes, including those with a family history of breast cancer or taking hormone replacement.
Breast Ultrasound: A painless method of scanning the breast to help differentiate solid cyclic lesions. It is particularly appropriate in patients under 35 and to further investigate abnormalities discovered on mammography or clinical examination.
Cytology: An investigation where a fine needle is inserted and a sample taken from the breast under imaging control, if necessary, so that cells can be examined under ultrasound or x-ray guidance, suing computerised stereotactic control.
The doctor might be able to tell you what he or she expects your problem is in the clinic and will want o wait for the result of the tests before giving you your diagnosis.
Oncology and Radiotherapy:
Some patients may need further treatment following surgery for cancer. This is decided when all the results of the specimens taken at operation have been fully analyzed. There are several types of treatments available all of which will be discussed with the patient. The treatment chosen will be most appropriate to prevent recurrence.
Information Available for patients regarding various breast problems, including investigations, diagnostic procedures and treatments.
Please write down any questions that you think of at home so you can ask your doctor when you see him/her.
Facts About Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is one of the cancers affecting a large number of women. The causes of Breast cancer are not fully known. Simply being a woman and growing older put you at risk.
However, there are certain known risk factors which are in your control.
Factors you can change
Being overweight or gaining excessive weight as an adult
Not getting regular exercise
Not having been pregnant puts you at higher risk
Eating a diet high in fat
Breast feeding offers protection against malignancy
Not drinking more than on alcoholic drink per day
Having several risk factors to breast cancer only means that your chances of getting the disease are higher than women who have fewer risk factors
Warning signs of Breast Cancer
Finding a lump or change in your breast doesn’t necessarily mean you have breast cancer. Breast cancer can be prevented by identifying changes in the breast at an early stage, If you find any of the following symptoms in your breast, you should see an oncologist
Hard Lumps, thickening in any part of the breast
Unusual swelling, redness or increased warmth of your breast
Lump in same side arm pit
Change in the size or shape of your breast
Dimpling or puckering of the skin your breast
Itchy, sore or scaling area on the nipple
Pulling in of your nipple or other parts of your breast
Nipple discharge
The following can aid you in identifying breast cancer at an early stage
Monthly breast self examination starting at an age of 20
Clinical breast examination by a trained medical professional every 3 years staring at an age of 20 an d annually after 40
Annual mammography screening starting at an age of 40
Women under 40 with either a family history of breast cancer or other concerns about personal risk should consult with a trained medical professional about risk assessment and when to begin mammography
How to conduct a routine self examination for Breast Cancer
Examine your breasts in a mirror. Has there been any change in size? Has one nipple become turned in? Any sign of discharge? Is there any puckering, dimpling or change in skin texture?
Raise hands above your head and examine breasts leading to armpit. Any swelling or skin puckering? Lower and raise your arms while watching your nipples. Do they move the same distance?
Lying down, start with left breast using right hand. Use the flat of your hands to feel for any lumps, thick or bumpy area. Press firmly and feel the entire breast and lastly arm pit also.
Repeat the whole examination on right breast. If you detect anything, consult
Breast surgery is performed for a variety of reasons, and is becoming more common every year. The reasons for having breast surgery vary widely, ranging from life-saving cancer surgeries to cosmetic procedures to enhance the appearance of breasts.
Most breast surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. While most cosmetic procedures are outpatient procedures, a mastectomy and some lumpectomy procedures typically require an overnight stay in the hospital. It is important to remember that every operation, even if it is a cosmetic procedure, does have risks and should be taken seriously. The risks of surgery vary from patient to patient, but no procedure is without risk.
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Eat a nutritious, well- balanced diet.
Take your medications as you were instructed.
Call your doctor for any fever, increase in bleeding or ion pain.